When you live at Gramercy Greenhaven, you own a share of the entire building and grounds as well as the home you occupy. You, together with the other share owners who also live in the building, have a voice in setting the policies, making the rules and enjoying the rewards.
Gramercy Greenhaven is a market-rate cooperative which allows unlimited market-rate equity accumulation on the home you occupy similar to any single-family residence. This is unlike limited equity cooperatives which put a cap on the annual home appreciation of their units.
Gramercy Greenhaven is governed by an Association made up of fifty voting members (one for each home) who have an equal vote and are encouraged to participate in the business of the community. The Association is led by a Board of Directors elected from the membership. Opportunities to participate include attending board meetings, getting involved in committee activities, serving on the Board of Directors, and stepping up in other ways as needed. You are welcome to join any or all of our committees: Clubhouse, Grounds, Marketing, Social, Finance and Maintenance.